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Internship Technology Price per month (Rs.) Time Period
Industry Level Project Development Internship HTML, CSS, JS, Nodejs, Firebase, Python Unpaid/Paid 2-6 months

Interview Preparation classes

Classes Price (Rs.) limited offer Price (Rs.) Time Period
DSA (Basic+Advance) 20,000 10,000 2 months

Placement Classes

Course Link Price (Rs.) limited offer Price (Rs.) Time Period
Web Development Course Link 20000 10000 2-3 months
Description: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactjs, Nodejs, MERN Stack, Data Structure and Algorithms, C language
Major Project Development Course Link 5000 - 2 month
Description: Clones of swiggy, Flipkart, Amazon, etc.
Backend development Course Link 20000 10000 6 months
Description: Java, Nodejs, MySQL, Mongodb, SQL, Data Structure and Algorithms, C language.
Full Stack/MERN Stack Course Link 20000 10000 6 months
Description:HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Reactjs, Nodejs (with deep focus), MERN Stack, Data Structure and Algorithms, C language.

Mock Interviews

Mock Interview Price (Rs.) Discounted Price (Rs.)
One mock interview 700
10 mock interviews 7000 5000

Career Consultancy

Consultancy Time Price (Rs.) Limited Period Offer price (Rs.)
Career Consultancy 1 hr 500 -
CV Creation 1 hr 500 -

Buy Projects

Project Time Price (Rs.) Limited Period Offer price (Rs.)
Project immediately 1500 each -

Soft Skills

Course Price (Rs.) Limited Period Offer price (Rs.)
English 1000 per month -
Bussiness 1000 per month -

Jobs for you

prerequisite Document required Price (Rs.)
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